Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Two Nominations for Beer and Young

We are delighted to announce Beer & Young has been short-listed for two awards at this year’s Insolvency and Rescue Awards.

Launched in 2008, The Insolvency and Rescue Awards is the biggest event in the insolvency and turnaround industry, where professional excellence and outstanding achievements are recognised.

Beer & Young is a finalist in the Business Rescue Funder of the Year – Broker / Equity category and Senior Associate, Michael Morley-Smith has been nominated for the ‘Turnaround Practitioner of the Year’ award.

Nick Young, Managing Director of Beer & Young will join the judging panel for these awards to be held on 21 October, though sadly he will not be judging the above categories!

For more information about the Insolvency and Rescue Awards visit Credit Today or the Insolvency and Rescue Awards website.

Sunday, 5 September 2010


We all need a little extra help sometimes, but where do SME’s turn when the going
gets tough and additional capital is needed to re-build their depleted balance sheet?
This is where Beer & Young can be the answer.

Since 1998 Beer & Young has been acting for undercapitalised SME’s who have
often reached a critical point in their banking relationship. Beer & Young is focused
on investor backed recovery solutions – the typical Beer & Young investor will be
an experienced ‘Business Angel’ willing to invest in a turnaround situation or simply
where urgent funding is required.

Beer & Young is delighted to have forged close working relationships with many
relationship managers across the banking community. Some, but not all, operate
within the business support/special situations departments of the bank. The common
characteristics of the accounts that are being managed tend to be:

Profitability has deteriorated and/or losses are accumulating
Liquidity is poor and the bank facilities are increasingly ‘hardcore’
Gearing has reached a tipping point where the bank is no longer comfortable

• Profitability has deteriorated and/or losses are accumulating
• Liquidity is poor and the bank facilities are increasingly ‘hardcore’
• Gearing has reached a tipping point where the bank is no longer comfortable

The above could be described as the ‘hard issues’, but financial ‘fire fighting’ takes
an inordinate toll on business owners in terms of emotional energy and commitment.
The old adage of ‘trying to see the wood for the trees’ is often very pertinent. This is
an area where the hands on help and experience of a Business Angel investor can
be invaluable.

We all know about the problems that the global credit crunch has caused, but this
has not affected the investor appetite for SME opportunities. Business Angels will
make their own decisions as to how and when they invest – they see investing in
businesses that have been successful in the past as far less risky than early stage/
start-up situations.

This is a counter cyclical market, where there is increased liquidity for turnaround/
distressed opportunities. The upside for bank relationship managers is that there
is access to ‘Business Angel’ funding for SME’s via specialist firms such as Beer &

We are always pleased to talk to bankers to explain our services more fully and listen
to the views of front line lending managers. Please contact our London offices on
0207 329 6886 or 07808 788803 to arrange a convenient appointment – please ask
for Declan Williams (williams@beerandyoung.com).